Sonntag, 16. März 2008

Tibet Railway: not built for destruction

"Tibetan exiles abroad are even opposed to constructing a railway to Tibet, citing fears of Han Chinese influx. But how could they totally disregard Tibet's need for construction and development, and why aren't they opposed to building airport and highways into Tibet? Since Tibet came under the rule from Beijing 7 centuries ago, there has never been a greater opportunity for economic development for Tibetans than now --- and all they do is to attribute the sweeping forces of Americanization to "deliberate Chinese intentions to wipe out Tibetan culture".How could one be so obssesive and choose only the favorable history interpretations for themselves?With limited industrial capacity in Tibet, the Tibetan economy heavily relies on industrial products from more developed parts of China. Transport of goods in and out of Tibet was mostly through the Qingzang Highway connecting Tibet to the adjacent Qinghai province, which was built in the early 1950s. The length and terrain have limited the capacity of the highway, with less than 1 million tons of goods transported each year. With the construction of the Qingzang railway, the cost of transportation of both passengers and goods should be greatly reduced, allowing for an increase in volume. It is projected that by 2010 2.8 million tons will be carried to and from Tibet, with over 75% carried by the railway. This is expected to boost and transform the Tibetan economy.Just like every province in this fast developing China, Tibet also deserves modern fruits of development, and it is not to be bound by blind political accusations"

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